International Christian Coaching Institute
Why did we choose ICCI?
June Hunt, founder of Hope for the Heart and the visionary behind the International Christian Coaching Institute (ICCI) called about a dozen of us together for a half of a day in 2019 to envision what we could do together that could transcend any of our voices or messages in the coaching world alone. We were hooked as we looked around the room and saw the depth of integrity and messages entrusted to colleagues in each of our disciplines and knew this was “the horse we wanted to hitch our wagon to” for this vital time of ministry.
We are all in with ICCI because God has made a way for each of us on the faculty to bring our life coaching messages to future coaches. For us, it is in the area of marriage coaching.
Bringing Life and Living Into Focus, Maximizing Everyone’s God-Given Potential
The International Christian Coaching Institute (ICCI) is a premier and innovative faith-based network in the emerging field of Life Coaching that embodies professional and ministerial excellence. It represents a group of Christian Life Coaches dedicated to serving others with compassion and competence and who utilize biblical principles to assist clients in seeing individualized goals through a collaborative partnership that addresses the whole person.
Become a Nationally Certified and Credentialled Christian Life Coach
Three levels of Credentialing and multiple specialization representing ascending levels of coaching education, training, and practice
Certified Associate Christian Life Coach
Launch your career or ministry
Certified Professional Christian Life Coach
Take it to the next level
Certified Master Christian Life Coach
Lead others with confidence
Premier Video-Based Christian Life Coaching Curriculum
Learn from world-class faculty who will help improve your coaching skills, increase your knowledge, and develop your biblical world view of life coaching.
Let’s take this journey together!
To learn more or clarify the process, email us!